Intelligently Green Action Plan

by Admin on November 7, 2014

Members of the Executive of TEV had a productive meeting recently with members of Wychavon District Councils Executive to discuss progress on its Intelligently Green Action Plan. There is clearly much to celebrate and the attached report summarises some of those successes. But there is still much to do. We hope you will read this report and let us know your thoughts? We are keen to see higher energy-efficiency  standards for all new build housing in the Vale, along with other initiatives that improve cycling, walking and other ideas which involve low carbon inputs.

Steve Martin, Chair, TEV

Download IG plan progress summary October 2014

David Dunbar November 10, 2014 at 5:19 pm

I’m impressed by the work WDC are putting into this, and their honesty in flagging up areas of the plan which are behind schedule or not achieving the original aims. It would be very illuminating to compare the Wychavon plan (and progress to date) with those of other local authorities. Are there things that could be learned about other aspects not presently in the Wychavon plan, or on the other hand are there aspects of the Wychavon plan which would assist other authorities?

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